
Water quality experiment



Hong Kong waters are dirty.


How can we clean the dirty water by using biology?

By clean we will be using the World Health Organisation's Guidelines for safe recreational water environments

level of intestinal enterococci per 100 ml

The level of toxic species of algae that occur in the marine environment

pH levels

E.coli levels


  • We will test marine species which are know for cleaning water
  • all at the same maturity
  • the same amount of the species 10
  • the same water from one large tank will be divided into 6 other tanks where the water amount will be equal
  • an equal amount of time will be given in this research 2 weeks
  • 2 tanks of each species one with fake intertidal conditions and one in a fully submerged condition

Experiment, Measurements, Observation (biology)

The species: Perna mussels, gooseneck barnacle and pearl oysters.

We will measure the levels of pH, E.coli, toxic species of algae and intestinal enterococci before we put the species in. And we will measure the same things again after a certin period of time


We will draw a conclusion by making a table comparing how the levels of pH, E.coli, toxic species of algae and intestinal enterococci changed in each tank after the species where added. And we will see which species got the closest to the WHO standards.

Extrapolation and scaling of the solution

If we can find out which species does what well we could implement this around Hong Kong waters.