
Pontoon arrival at Sai Kung

Helping with pontoon delivery and towing

Place: Tsuen Tau Tseun

Schedule: unknown

People: Cesar, Jas, Tvesh (leaves at 3:30), Erica (unsure) ADD IF YOU CAN COME

Activity: help unload pontoons, move to the beach attach the accessory over 300 pontoons will take roughly 3 hours


Place: Makerbay workshop

Schedule: depending on pontoon schedule

People: Jas, Cesar

Activity: Bx (14/32) an hour for one

Goal: Organise and plan for the truck

Delivery Address

井頭村碼頭Wake2Chill, 井頭村碼頭 Tseng Tau Village Pier 井頭村碼頭 Three Fathoms Cove 三杯酒, Sai Kung



High tide: 6am, 9pm

Low tide: 2pm

weather: cloudy