Life sized template
Place: Makerbay roof
Schedule: early morning, 10:30 -11:30 max
People: Cesar, Jas, Edric, Tvesha(leaves at 3:30), Erica(leaves at 3) ADD IF YOU CAN COME
Activity: Create a life sized mockup on paper with pens. Map out where everything is going to be. Create a grid and do the Zones and Create templates for every piece for easier construction execution.
Material: Large papers, markers, rulers and tape measurer, rope.
Measuring and cutting
Place: Makerbay workshop
Schedule: 11:30-1pm and 2-3
People: Jas, Cesar, Edric, Tvesha, Erica???
Activity 1: Starting measuring and making marks on aluminium strips and aluminium bar so cutting is easier, Make indications of where the strips end for cutting and for drilling holes
Material: markers, aluminium, tape measure.
Tvesh: Measuring
Edric: Cutting
Cesar: Welding 6 meters ones in 6.02 meters
Jas: Drilling
Erica: Sanding
Place: Makerbay workshop
Activity: Cutting ALL pieces of alumniuim strips and drilling holes and sanding.
Schedule: 3-5 pm
People: Jas, Cesar, Edric, Tvesha??
Activity: We will start construction 6A profile type (linked below) we will have time to build 1 whole 6A to try it out before construction. We will do 2 that day