
The activities

Getting kids to map the life cycle of oysters.

Get the kids to figure which species clean the water best

Use the data from the sensors to draw conclusions

CoralBot workshop

Making your own model boat with bamboo

Hydrogen Rocket Science workshop: Hydrogen mini rocket

Solar Panels, Mini Boats with solar panels

The history of Lau Fau Shan, bring the people

Give them oysters to take to school and see the filtration in action

oyster habitat with other animals showing the cool biodiversity oysters bring could be a good was to get people to connect with the oysters

Plans & collaborations

We can do bookings with the schools, and book the teachers

  • kadoorie farm & botanic garden
  • oceanuprise
  • wwf
  • maritime museum?
  • the nature conservancy
  • ocean park Hong Kong
  • green peace
  • Lions Nature Education Centre
  • hong kong pearl ca
  • Plastic Ocean Foundation

12th meeting

Crypto Hackathon:

  1. alternative pau