Construction plan

Day 1: Life sized Paper mockup and Template

Place = Makerbay roof

Material = Paper, Markers, rulers (Tape measurer),

People = @T K @u u @Edric Nazareno @Jas Dhaliwal

Activity 1: Create a life sized mockup on paper with pens. Map out where everything is going to be. Create a grid and do the Zones

Activity 2: Create templates for every piece for easier construction execution.

Day 2 - 5: Aluminium structure assembly

Place = Makerbay roof

Material = Paper, Markers, rulers (Tape measurer),

People & roles=

@u u, Rivet insertion and punching

@T K @Jas Dhaliwal, Pillar drilling

@Edric Nazareno, cutting off the L bar and aluminium strips

@Cesar Jung-Harada, The Wavy Aluminium structure

Activity 1: Create a life-sized mockup on paper with pens. Map out where everything is going to be. Create a grid and do the Zones

Activity 2: Create templates for every piece for easier construction execution.
