
In search of a floating vessel

Companies being contacted

Floating vessel rental options





In discussion

6k per day



In discussion

60k per month



In discussion

Most probable 10k per day



In discussion



In discussion

Kinetic Key Co. LTD


Estimate obtained

1800 per square meter

Legal Documents

After our meeting with the Naval architect, we were told (or it was implied) that our only option would be to use a barge to build the oyster on. If we choose to use pontoons, they would fall under the umbrella of a class II vessel (see the entry in Marine Department Regulations Compliance). Attached below is the table used to classify type A and type B devices of class 1/2


Al - aluminum, GRP - glass reinforced plastic


Remarks in Tables *1 Applicable to the following Category B vessels: dumb lighter, hopper barge, water boat, flat top work barge, landing pontoon, stationary vessel including separation barge, kitchen boat barge, ice barge, fish drying barge, waste water treatment barge and fish storage barge. *2 Applicable to dumb lighters, hopper barges and prototype vessel of fishing sampan. *3 For dumb lighters required to be submitted with heavy lifting stability calculations, hopper barges and prototype vessel of GRP fishing sampan. *4 Applicable to floating restaurants and ceremony boats only. *5 For new vessels, (i) maker certificate for petrol engine; (ii) for diesel engine maker or classification societies approved certificates / information and document as appropriate required in chapter IIIA or IIIB and in MARPOL Annex VI or Annex I-10. *6 For water boats only. *7 Applicable to simple design and construction vessels, such as Class III GRP fishing sampan , Class II Cat. A transportation sampan, etc, (length overall not more than 15m), simplified set of plans includes 5(A)(1), 5(A)(8), 5(A)(10), 5(A)(11), 5(A)(12), 5(B)(2), 5(C)(4) , 5(C)(5) & 5(D)(1) and supplementary information / data as necessary to be submitted. *8 Applicable to vessels other than wooden construction. *9 Applicable to the following Category B vessels fitted with A.C. generator: Dumb lighters, other barges, landing pontoons, all stationary vessels (including separation barges , kitchen barges , ice barges , fish drying barges , water dispensing barges and fish storage barges); and prototype vessels of GRP fishing sampans but not applicable to vessels of wooden construction. *10 International Tonnage Certificate and calculation may be acceptable to MD. *11 Any cranes for works, including cargo handling, fitted on local vessels, should have the document/drawing item 1) to 3) indicated below certified by a competent examiner. One copy of each of these documents/drawings certified under Merchant Shipping ( Local Vessels) (Works) Regulation, Cap 548 should be submitted to MD. Following document plans and data to be certified are:- 1) Strength calculations for the stress members including derrick boom, mast, supporting structures, permanent attachments and other associated fittings (Note: Recognised manufacturer’s loading tables indicated essential information are acceptable instead of detailed strength calculations) 2) Rigging diagrams that should include all rigging arrangements used in all modes of operation of the cranes. 3) As fitted drawings including the scantling and dimensions of the of the derrick boom, mast and permanent attachments, and the arrangements for preventing the lifting of the foot of the derrick boom out of its support *12 For high risk vessels that are not classed, all plans and data to be submitted to Marine Department for approval. Page II-8 <6 Plans to be retained onboard 6.1 Every Class I, II and III vessel (exclude wooden fishing vessel and sampan) should be provided onboard one copy of the plan(s) at least with the following information indicated thereon : (a) general arrangement of vessel with seating arrangement and escape routes if passengers are carried; (b) types and dispositions of life saving appliance, fire fighting appliance, light, shape, sound signals and radiocommunications equipment(if fitted). 6.2 For every Class I vessel carrying more than 100 passengers, safety plan showing arrangement of life saving appliances, fire fighting appliances, light and sound signals and means of escape, escape installation and arrangement should be exhibited in conspicuous places throughout the vessel. 6.3 For Class II and III vessels, stability / loading & unloading information where applicable should be provided on board. >


Class II Vessel Code of Practice:

(would fall under)

  • Dangerous goods carrier
  • Noxious Liquid Substances carrier
  • tug?
  • (possible) floating workshop
  • Flat top work barge
  • Special purpose vessel
  • (STATIONERY VESSEL (including separation barge....fish storage barge))

Class and type of vessel:

Class II, Type A: Steel/ AI/ GRP/ Wooden; not fitted with propulsion engine.

a) Class II vessel is not permitted to carry more than 12 passengers onboard.

b) Classified as a "high-risk" vessel (any Class II vessel intended for carrying hazardous goods).

c) Loading/ unloading information should be provided onboard

d) Check-up could be conducted every year, every 2 years, or every 4 years

Gross tonnage (for class II w/o propulsive engine): greater than or equal to 80

  • Structural fire protection; application: applying to vessels with gross tonnage not exceeding 2,000, plying within HK waters or river trade limits.

(paint/ varnish/ other finishes on exposed surfaces shall not contain highly-flammable products or be capable of emitting smoke.

  • Stairways must be constructed of steel, or any other non-flammable material
  • Any means of escape should be led to open deck
  • All exposed surfaces in corridors, exposed surfaces on ceilings, and spaces concealed in non-accessible places shall have non-flammable properties.
  • Dead-end corridor shall not be more than 7m in length
  • rimary deck coverings should be in a material which will not readily ignite
  • Doorways and stairways for means of escape should be evenly distributed so as to avoid congestion.
  • In vessels constructed of reinforced glass fibre plastic (GRP), fire retarding material should be applied in hull and bulkhead structures of engine room boundaries.